BJA - Training for workers

Share knowledge.

Training for Workers

Our training programs aim to educate and inform stakeholders about hearing health within your company. Led by our experts, these programs provide your team with the necessary knowledge and  skills to address and mitigate the impact of noise in your workplace.

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Noise  Comply with applicable laws
Implicate the person
Reinforce hearing protection

The collaborative approach improves buy-in

After forty years of refining our expertise, our experts believe that employee involvement is essential in the success of a hearing loss prevention program.

That's why, at Bertrand-Johnson Acoustique, we offer training for your employees in a variety of formats to share knowledge and strengthen commitment to your hearing loss prevention efforts.

In person
Formation  en personne
Formation en ligne

Improve adoption through our training programs tailored for your workforce.

Engage your team in your hearing loss prevention program with personalized training sessions led by our occupational hearing health experts.

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Down with

Occupational Hearing Loss!

Rely on Our Expertise to Implement Your Hearing Loss Prevention Program.

Bertrand Johnson Acoustique